If you have a Type 3, make plans now to attend the 2024 Type 3 Invasion in Ticonderoga NY! This website has all the info you'll need!
Bringing that rust-free, one-owner Type 3 back East from California?
Visit the Aircooled Interstate Rescue Squad before you head west and you'll
find contact information for almost 2000 people who will be willing
to help you if you break down on the way back. Overseas contacts too!
If you're an owner of a T34 in North America, this is your site. Here you'll find information on the history of the, plus some archival information on the Notch Cabriolet prototype.
The ShopTalk Forums are still a major forum in the online aircooled VW community. Here you'll find discussions on fuel injection, engine rebuilds, engine conversions, bodywork and just about anything else.
No list of VW community links would be complete without a mention of The Samba, the site started by Everett Barnes. To give you an idea of how important The Samba is to VW fans and owners, the site averages about 55,000 unique visitors a day. So what are you waiting for? Start chattin' with your fellow Type III owners!